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Character Creator and Class - Ideation Part 6

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

A central theme from most online mutliplayer games the the players ability to choose and create the character they play as.

When thinking of character creation, I want players to be able to have a small selection of playable races, this is based on common trends that allow players to have access to some customisations. Chief among these is the playable races the player will be able to choose from. These will not have an impact on any of the stats available, but will give players the opportunity to experience the game in a manner that is more immersive.

Classes tend to be broken into 3 categories: Healer/Support, Tank, Damage Dealer. Initial ideas for classes are below, they are based off of some of the more common classes found in current MMORPG's and other class specific games such as table-top role play games.

Based on these ideas, I've reduced classes to 8 for the main game organised into the three main categories, allowing players a level of choice that is not too overwhelming.

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